Procys Document Processing

izdevējs Procys

Automate the manual document data entry in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Procys enables Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central users to automate their manual document data entry, such as invoice, purchase orders, receipts, contracts...
We know how time-consuming and unproductive it can be to enter the data of every invoice manually.
The good news is that Procys is here to help you automate invoice data entry using Artificial intelligence. Thanks to our OCR technology, any invoice or credit memo uploaded gets processed automatically, facilitating a quick and efficient booking process. With Procys, you will have the option to correct any data mistakes, and thanks to our machine learning technology, the same error will not happen twice. Procys is helping teams to be 6x time faster, more productive, and more efficient.

No more templates, no more effort! Outdated invoice processing solutions work with template-based OCR, which means that you have to create templates for every supplier, customer, and any type of invoice and document, resulting in a lot of work, a slow process, complex implementation, and difficulties to manage and maintain over time. Procys is powered by a modern AI-based OCR, with capabilities of learning from your documents, improving over time, and automatically extracting the invoices' data.

Give it a try, and don't hesitate to contact us if you want to know more. Our experts will be happy to help you and give you a personalized experience.

Supported Editions: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (Essentials and Premium).
Supported Countries: Worldwide
Supported Languages: Any language except Japanse.
